Alberto Rivas

Real name: Argul, Gervasio Eduardo
Singer and lyricist
(16 October 1930 - 12 July 1992)
Place of birth:

ogether with other great singers, Roberto Rufino, Nelly Vázquez, Alfredo Del Río and Carlos Reyes (El Chino), he was member of the last orchestra led by the maestro Francisco Rotundo.

He had as well an important performance as vocalist in the orchestral group led by the gifted bandoneonists José Libertella and Luis Stazo, with whom he recorded a record with four numbers: “Volvamos a empezar” and “Qué risa” on one side, and on the other: “Amor de payaso” and “Como se muere de amor”.

His gigs touring the interior of the country were uncountable.

As also were his appearances at the most important tango programs on television, like Grandes valores del tango and El tango del millón.

At the Buenos Aires night venues he played on the most important sceneries, but his shows at La Mochila, El Boliche de Rotundo and Vos Tango turn out unforgettable.