Julio Flórez

Real name: Flórez Roa, Julio
Lyricist, singer and composer
(22 May 1867 - 7 February 1923)
Place of birth:
Chiquinquirá (Boyacá) Colombia
Orlando del Greco

robably he is the most popular poet of his land. He published the books Horas, Oro y ébano, Cardos y lirios, Manojo de zarzas, Cesta de lotos, Fronda lírica, Gotas de ajenjo, Poesías and left two books unpublished: De playa en playa and Flores negras.

He was publicly crowned.

The lines of “Mis flores negras” belong to him. It is a pasillo that with popular music is widely known in all Spanish America and which was recorded twice by Carlos Gardel; the first one in an arrangement by a certain Guzmán (it seems he was a Chilean) and the second was arranged by Félix Scolati Almeyda. He made it popular in his land by singing it in serenades and art reunions.

In its original form this poem is plainly named “Flores negras”.

Julio Flórez was born in Chiquinquirá (Boyacá-Colombia) on May 22, 1867 and died in Usiacurí (Atlántico) on February 7, 1923.