Martín Coronado

Real name: Coronado, Martín
Poet, writer and lyricist
(14 July 1850 - 20 February 1919)
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina
Orlando del Greco

ournalist, poet and playwright. He wrote about simple things and humble feelings and because he knew how to understand the soul of the people, for many years he was the most popular of our poets.

In 1873 he published his first volume of poems and in 1876 he premiered his first theatrical play, the dramatic poem La rosa blanca, staged at the Opera theater (in Buenos Aires).

Other plays he premiered were Luz de luna y luz de incendio, 1810, Salvador, Un soñador; La flor del aire, Cortar por lo más delgado, Parientes pobres, Justicias de antaño, El sargento Palma, La piedra del escándalo and La chacra de don Lorenzo.

In 1902 the company led by José J. Podestá, at the Apolo Theater, premiered the play which would be his immortal work, La piedra del escándalo, a drama which definitely established the criollo theater and which consecrated him as the first Argentine playwright.

In this famous play the great Pablo Podestá sang the estilo with the same name which bears his words, which surpassed all the boundaries of popularity and the folk singers of that time (including Gardel and Razzano) sang it. (The latter recorded his “Canción de mayo”, with music by Víctor Donato, in 1929).

We tried to find any evidence of some contact with Carlos Gardel and we found none, but the possibility that there were some is not discarded, because it is said that someone recommended him when in his teen years he began with his singing.

Coronado was born in Buenos Aires on July 14, 1850 and died in Caseros (Bs. As.) on February 20, 1919.