Francisco Ducasse

Real name: Ducasse, Francisco
Nicknames: El Francés
Dancer, actor and director
(6 July 1878 - 18 November 1926)
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina
Luis Alposta
| Oscar Himschoot

ne of his dancing partners was named Mimí Pinsonette. He was married to the actress Angelina Pagano. He used to frequent «lo de Hansen». Francisco García Jiménez says that the very charming princess de Murat was intertwined with the tango skill of the fine handsome young man of Buenos Aires, Francisco Ducasse, on tour in Paris, in a tango competition organized by the journal Excelsior at the Fémina theater on the avenue of the Champs-Elysées. Obviously, they were awarded the first prize. He was born and died in Buenos Aires.