Marisa Otero

Real name: Otero, Marisa Virginia
Singer and composer
(26 June 1963 - )
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina

he started her career in the 80s as pop singer with the band known as Personajes Urbanos led by Germán Pontoriero.

In the following decade she dug the melodic song genre and, finally, devoted herself to tango, surely influenced by her family circle. She is niece of the singer Rodolfo Lemos and her father, the beloved friend Ignacio Otero, was a great tango man.

With her uncle she frequented the most important night venues in Buenos Aires. In 2001 she presented her first show business creation, Padre Tango, a show that blends poetry and tango which reached its peak in 2006 when she released her first disc.

This compact disc was presented at the Café Homero and later, among other important venues, at the Music Festival of Morelia, Mexico, in 2008 and one year later, in Argentina, at the Octava Cumbre Mundial de Tango (Eighth World Tango Summit) in Bariloche.

In 2010 she premiered her second multimedia show, Buenos Aires no te olvida: Borges y el tango, which was honored as of Interés Cultural de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. It was presented in Buenos Aires; firstly, at the La Manzana de las Luces, later, at the La Manufactura Papelera de San Telmo, at the Academia Porteña del Lunfardo and at the Centro Cultural del Sur, among other places.

In the mid- 2011 she released a new recording, Postales de ritmos y encuentros, which was launched and introduced in April 2012 at the Centro Cultural Caras y Caretas. This album includes a wide range of Argentine music, from classic tangos to chamarritas and chacareras, and also two numbers of her own.