Dúo Tami-Castro

Real name: Dúo Tami-Castro
(n/d - )
Place of birth:
Eduardo Tami: flute
Mariano Castro: piano

ince May 2002, flautist Eduardo Tami and pianist and guitar player Mariano Castro form part of a duet, performing their shows with the title: "A dedo y a pulmón", creating the pun of words that refers to the use of lungs and fingers mainly for the execution of these two instruments.

The repertoire consists mostly of music of the Río de la Plata region: tangos, milongas, valses, candombes, although there are interpretations on academic latin american authors too.

Eduardo Tami is flutist an he was born in Buenos Aires at January 31, 1952). In 1965 he began his flute studies at the Conservatory of music “Juan Jose Castro”. Some of his teachers were outstanding argentine musicians like Alfredo Iannelli, Raquel Arana, Inés Gómez Carrillo, Ljerko Spiller, Gerardo Gandini, among oders.

Between 1980 and 1982 he moved to Montevideo (Uruguay), doing Master courses with prof. Santiago Bosco.

His main compositions are two rhapsodies, one string quartet, and several pieces for flute and piano.

Mariano José Castro was born July 12, 1975 and he's pianist.

He began his musical studies at 12 years old and in 1994 he entered to the Conservatorio musical Melani (Founded en 1888 by the Maestro David Bolia), studying piano, guitar, musical theory and solfeggio with its director Mrs. Elsa Bolia.

At 2001 he took a Master course in piano with the Russian pianist Vera Anosova.

As a classical musician did performances as a soloist, in chamber music and accompanying lyrical singers. He also accompained tango singers as Horacio Mamone and Diego Valdez.

Tami-Castro duet recorded a CD titled “ A dedo y a pulmón” in May 2002. At the end of that same year they toured in the United States and to Ecuador a year later. In 2003 they recorded a new album.