Gustavo Benzecry Sabá

Real name: Benzecry Sabá, Gustavo
Dancer, teatcher and researcher
(26 April 1959 - )
Place of birth:

n 1982 he graduated as journalist. For fifteen years he worked as emcee and editor in different graphic and radio media. Almost at the same time he was chemistry teacher, musician, videographer and graphic designer.

In 1999 he publishedLa mujer de los dioses, fantastic tales. Furthermore, some of his works can be found in the anthology Cuentistas de fin de siglo. Both published by the Editorial Vinciguerra.

In the 90she joined tango-danc eand soon thereafter he began his career as instructor and dancer. Even though his specialty is focused on techniques for men, he has also furthered his studies in techniques for women.

In 2004 and 2005 he organized milongas at the Salón Canning andMaipú 444 Plaza Bohemia and after 2006 he started an international career.

Almost simultaneously he published the following books: Glosario de Tango Danza - Términos claves en la danza de tango argentino (Abrazos, 2004); Embracing Tango - Techniques and metaphores between Tango and Life (Abrazos, 2006); New Glossary of Tango Dance - Key Tango Argentino dance terms (Abrazos, 2010), with a bilingual Spanish-English DVD, Tango FAQs - 60 Frequently Asked Questions About Dancing Tango Argentino (Tangogen, 2012) and The Quest for the Embrace - The History of Tango Dance 1800-1983 (Abrazos, 2015), distinguished by the auspices of the Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires and declared as of cultural interest by the Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

From 2009 at international festivals he exhibits his educational documentaryHistoria del Tango Danza (1940-1960) - Los años dorados, translated into English by María Olivera, his partner in dancing and in life.

Presently, he makes exhibitions, teaches and gives lectures in Buenos Aires, Europe and in North America, as well as he contributes as tango-dance columnist for publications in Buenos Aires, the United States and Germany.