Lilian Papasso

Real name: Papasso, Lilian
Nicknames: Lilian Estévez
Composer, singer and lyricist
(n/d - )
Place of birth:
Ramos Mejía (Buenos Aires) Argentina

rom a young age she expressed herself in art. She studied theater, weaving, attended literature workshops, lyrics writing, vocal technique, percussion and singing with maestra Nora Di Bruno at the adjoining unit of the Conservatorio Manuel de Falla. Folk music repertoire with maestro Ariel Acuña. Singing, repertoire and tango interpretation with teachers of the level of Norberto Vogel and Patricia Barone.

In 2011 she was member of the Coro Kilya (choir). She joined Las Perlas del Tango as poet-singer-songwriter.

She published El guardián del umbral, her first book of poems, paintings and proses that she presented with songs at the well-known Academia Porteña del Lunfardo.

All this was shaping her with a unique sensitivity which is not to be missed. Her lyrics and music also have a heartfelt interpretation.

Lilian has clothed her words with color and her songs are also visually enjoyed in oil, pastel and watercolor paintings.

That is how our eyes and our ears will be filled with: “Lazos de amor”, “Vamos tango”, “Ciudad de ciegos”, among other 16 songs of her CD Lazos de Amor, premiered in 2010 at the Café del Lector (Reader’s Café) of the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library).

In 2009 she was awarded the first prize at the Certamen de Tango «Hugo del Carril» (tango contest), in the words and music category with the song “Ganitas locas de amar”, dedicated to the poet Alejandra Pizarnik.

She again won the first prize at the contest in 2013, with the lyrics and music of her song “Escrache”.

In other of her activities, she graduated at the Kai Men Kung Fu Association, where she worked as teacher.

She studied painting at the workshop «Otra manera de ver», at the Museo Eduardo Sívori and lyrics writing at the «Homero Expósito» seminar, directed by the talented maestro Alejandro Martino of the Academia Nacional del Tango, where she was invited by maestro Leo Vinci to open Vamos Tango, an exhibition of paintings and music on December 3, 2013.

We only need to say: Welcome to Todo Tango, Lilian!