Elba Cristian

Real name: Piccini, Cristina Elba
Singer and producer
(21 July - )
Place of birth:
Avellaneda (Buenos Aires) Argentina

his beautiful woman, that was born in Avellaneda (Provincia de Buenos Aires), began singing way back in the 70s. When she was a child she used to sing folk music and pop music in children choirs when she attended grade school. Still in her teen years tango cast a spell on her.

At age 13 she studied singing and vocalization with Eduardo Bonessi. The latter had been teacher for Carlos Gardel. Her early stints were at coteries, carnaval parades and clubs, she appeared at contests on television in channels 2 and 9 of Buenos Aires.

In 1979 her professional debut took place and her patrons were the secretary of the Círculo de Poetas Lunfardo, Juan Carlos Coiro, and the actress María Esther Gamas. She regards herself as a tango worker.

Those were difficult years for the genre and singers had difficulty in growing up, especially women. In 1982 she embarked in the task of being producer of shows. She started at the Café Tortoni, switching later to the Los Angelitos, to great acclaim, promoting new artists this way.

As from 1991 she has been in charge of the celebrations of the Día Nacional del Tango. She is also founder, together with other outstanding people, of the Escuela de Tango Argentino «Carlos Gardel». She also appeared on radio and television.

Everything she carries out is on her own, without State support, achieved through much effort, sweat and tears. Despite all this she brings us her art with the same passion as always. She keeps on singing and producing like the first day, with expectations, enthusiasm and capacity. Because of that is an act of true justice her inclusion in our Todo Tango portal.